Hornchurch Academy Trust


School attendance is an absolute priority at Scargill Infant School. 

The school takes the view that if children are not in school they will not be learning and as such
will not make progress. The more time in school children miss, the greater the impact on their future life chances. 

The school is accountable for attendance, with regular reports being shared with the
Local Authority Officers. The school has an attendance target that it is required to meet which is 96.2%. This is comparable against the national attendance target of 96%.  School is challenged on all attendance issues, particularly when either school or children are at risk of falling below target. Children are required to maintain an attendance above 95%. In the event your child falls below this threshold, the school will follow the Local Authority procedure. 

If a child does not arrive for school, the school will investigate this until a reason for absence is established. The school aims to complete this process by 9.30 am. In the event school is not able
to contact a parent it will exhaust all contact information, then if need be make further enquiries beyond the contact list. School understands and acknowledges that children are ill from time to time and may need to visit a medical practitioner or require rest and recovery, however it is required to establish a reason for absence if one is not provided. If your child is ill, please note that
it is the parent/carers responsibility to inform the school of the child’s absence in its first instance
by 9.15 am.

School proactively feeds back to parents on a fortnightly basis regarding both class and whole school attendance on the school newsletter. Rewards and incentives are in place for children who have 100% attendance each term and by the end of the academic year. The school meets with the EWO monthly and if your child's attendance falls below 95% you will receive a letter sharing this information with you.

If you have any queries or any concerns please contact Miss L Pearce or Mrs M Clarke in the school office.

Please read the following attachments for further information.